October 11, 2018 Board Report

October 11, 2018 Board Report
Posted on 10/12/2018
This is the image for the news article titled October 11, 2018 Board ReportWarren County R-III School District
Board Meeting Report
October 11, 2018

The Board of Education offered recognition to Operation Backpack for kindness and compassion to our students and for continued support in making sure that all students have food to eat over the weekend.
Operation Backpack is an organization that helps families that struggle to provide meals for their children over the weekends. Many families in the community rely on the free or reduced-price school lunch program to help provide nutritious meals for their children during the school year. These same families strive to provide healthy meals to their children on weekends. For these children, Operation Backpack helps fill in the gap by providing backpacks full of nutritious, kid-friendly, non-perishable meals to be eaten over the weekend when resources may be limited. Currently in our district alone, these wonderful ladies are packing nearly 175 bags per week to feed our students!
PHOTO: Board President John Clinger, Operation Backpack Representatives Marilyn Carter and Cheryl Portillo.

Personnel Update:
Congratulations to the following on their recent hiring/promotions!
Rodney Fultz and Shelby Johnson have been hired as custodians.
Amanda Helvey has been hired as a Paraprofessional and PE Assistant at Warrior Ridge Elementary School.
Gloria Frye has been hired as a Paraprofessional at Rebecca Boone Elementary School.
Christina Heida has been hired as a Paraprofessional at Black Hawk Middle School.
Crystal Hoffman has been promoted to Lead Custodian.
Rachel Smith has been hired as a Special Education Teacher at Rebecca Boone Elementary School. She was previously a Paraprofessional at Warrenton High School.

Technology Department Update:
Director of Technology Ron Greer reported that the district had 96.8% of annual student forms completed online, which is more than normally received. Feedback on the process was mostly positive. Mr. Greer also reported the following statistics on the district:
91 Computer Labs in the district: 71 mobile and 20 rooms.
4,348 Computing devices on a 5-year rotation.
430 access points and wireless controller to support WiFi in every classroom.
240 cameras and video surveillance system capable of retaining video for approximately 2-weeks.
397 Voice over IP Phones.
In addition, the Technology Department supports 103 Switches, 19 Servers (58 Virtual Servers), Web Filter and Firewall.

Superintendent Update - First 100 Days:
In his first 100 days on the job, Dr. Klinginsmith has been meeting with several groups and trying to learn as much about the district as possible.  Here are the main points that he identified.
- There is a concern over teacher retention.
- Businesses are looking for ways to partner with the school to improve the workforce development.
- Parents and community members are concerned about student behavior and want to find ways to partner to find ways to improve.
- Parents are generally pleased with our facilities, transportation, and food service.
- There is a need for expanded early childhood services such as parents as teachers and pre-kindergarten programs.
- Students would like more options for rigorous coursework and alternative options to traditional school.

CSIP Development Update:
The Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP) Committee has had their first meetings and has identified focus areas as:
- Student achievement
- Citizenship (including attendance and behavior)
- Retaining Qualified Staff
- Parent and Community Engagement
- Facilities and Resources to Support Student Success
On October 8, the committee developed questions to be used in our community engagement activities. The “student achievement” and “citizenship” groups are going to have our first community engagement event on November 1 at 7:00 p.m. at Daniel Boone Elementary School. The “retaining qualified staff,” “parent and community engagement,” and “facilities and financial resources to support student success” groups will meet on November 5 at the high school at 7:00 p.m.

Missouri School Board Association (MSBA) Conference Update:
Several members of the board and Dr. Klinginsmith shared an update on many of the things they learned at the MSBA Conference that took place the last week of September at Tan-Tar-A. Along with the many breakout sessions they attended that help them all become better board members, there was consensus that the time the board was able to spend together getting to know one another at the event was also extremely beneficial.

Singapore Math Contract:
This approved contract was signed to provide training for our elementary and middle school teachers on Singapore Math.  The district has not had a large training in several years.  

ECSE Bus Lease to Return Bid Approval:
The motion to lease three buses from Midwest and financed through Santander Bank as presented was approved. Due to ECSE regulations on buses, they must be done as a “lease  to return” in order for the payments to be reimbursable. The district will lease the 2014 buses for five years. The cost of each bus is $73,608. 

Policy Approvals:
IGD - Extracurricular Activities - This policy clarifies the appeals process for extra curricular activities. The Board may grant a hearing if the extracurricular activity is required for a course. In that event, the process outlined for student discipline hearings in policy JGD will be followed.
GBCA -2 - Nepotism - The nepotism policy outlines our process for nepotism as discussed at the board meeting. This policy would not allow spouses of administrators to work in the same building nor would it allow the someone in the fourth degree of the superintendent or assistant superintendent or member of the Board of Education to be newly hired in the district.  
BCB - Rotating Officers - Going forward, this policy limits board officers to two consecutive one-year terms in the same position.
IKFA - Early Graduation - This policy eliminates the seven semester requirement for graduation.
IKF - Graduation Requirements - This changes MoVip to MOCAP and eliminates the two credit cap for transfer virtual credits. 
BDDB - Agendas - It is no longer a requirement that the district to mail board packets to board members. This information is available to them digitally.
The following policies were also approved:
Here is a link to Board Docs for more information.
Copier Bid Approval:
Marco was approved as the copier and maintenance provider for district copiers with financing through First State Community Bank as presented.

Facilitron Contract Approval:
In the interest of simplifying and streamlining facility usage, rentals, and fee collection, the board voted to approve a contract with Facilitron. Facilitron is only paid if the district collects a fee for the rental.  More information about Facilitron can be found here.

Dual Enrollment Agreement with Missouri Southern State University:
An agreement with Missouri Southern State University that may allow students to dual enroll virtually was approved. With the approval of policy IKF this month and IGCE next month the district may allow students to dual enroll virtually with colleges and universities. The district will give high school credit for courses
completed at the university level.  In order for students to virtually enroll there must be an agreement between the school district and the university or college. 

Missouri Southern State University currently offers virtual dual enrollment courses at $50 a credit hour plus the cost of books. The district will not limit which school students attend, and will continue to bring additional agreements for approval as students show interest in those colleges. 

Next Meeting:

The next regular Board Meeting is set for November 8, 2018, at 7:00 p.m.

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