Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA Leave)

Because missing extend periods of work isn't something we regularly think about, FMLA leave may be something you don't know a lot about.  We are here to help!  Some important information and links are included below, but at any time, please contact these Central Office contacts if you have any questions regarding FMLA:

Kaylin Sprague - Payroll Coordinator
636-456-6901, x 1119
[email protected]

Brad Ross - Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources
636-456-6901, x1113
[email protected]

Governing District Policy on FMLA - Policy GBBDA

What absences qualify for FMLA?

1. Birth and First-Year care of the employee's child
2. Adoption or foster placement of a child with the employee
3. Serious health condition of the employee that makes the employee unable to perform one or more of the essential functions of his or her job, or the serious condition of the employee's spouse, child, or parent.
4. Care of a spouse, child, parent or next of kin who is a covered servicemember with a serious illness or injury (military caregiver leave)
5.  A qualifying exigency of the servicemember while on covered active duty.

What does FMLA do?

Absences under approved FMLA are protected and cannot be factored into any consideration of employees having excessive absences, or be used as grounds for employee discipline due to absence.

FMLA does not guarantee the leave is paid. Accrued leave may be used concurrently, but when accrued leave is exhausted, any remaining FMLA time will be unpaid.

How much FMLA leave is available?

The school year is July 1st though June 30th of the following calendar year.  During this 12 month period, employees can have up to 12 weeks of FMLA leave.

FMLA does not have to be consecutive, it can be available on an intermittent basis.

How to initiate FMLA leave

Call Mrs. Sprague or Mr. Ross. It is the employee's responsibility to request FMLA leave and report the reason why. 

Once you have contact us, we will walk you through all of the required steps, from eligibility through getting your FMLA reason properly certified.

Additional FMLA Resources

Informational Links from the US Department of Labor
1. Frequently asked questions about FMLA
2. DOL FMLA guide for employees
3. List of employee rights regarding FMLA
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