Discovery Program

Discovery...How does my child qualify?

In the Warren County R-III School District, the gifted education program, Discovery, serves students in grades 3-8 that are in the 95th percentile in regards to their IQ score. It is a pull-out program, where the students leave their regular classroom for most of the day, one day a week. Each day’s work in Discovery consists of both independent work and cooperative learning groups. Students work on their higher level thinking skills, including analysis, synthesis and evaluation. These levels of thinking skills challenge student to solve problems and use creativity to break down problems and find solutions. Math skills, logic, research, creative writing and language are addressed each day with independent assignments. In addition, the whole class studies several special topics in depth each year. we also spend a part of each Discovery class working on interpersonal skills, learning what “gifted” means and how to cope with problems that gifted students encounter.

In order to be placed in the program, the student in question must go through a testing process and meet the qualifications. Any student may be referred for gifted education testing by any teacher, parent, or guardian.  When a child is referred to be tested for Discovery, his/her parents or guardians will be asked to complete and sign a nomination form giving the staff permission to administer individual tests to the child. The child must master all three of these tests to qualify for the program. The first test the child in question will take is the SAGES II; a non-verbal intelligence test for screening gifted and talented students. If the student meets the required score for their age group they will then qualify for further testing. The second test is the WASI*; an individual intelligence test. Lastly, if the child meets the required score on the WASI, the Gifted Evaluation Scale, an extensive checklist of student behavior, will be completed by the child’s teachers

WASI- Wechler Abbreviated Scales of intelligence
SAGES II- Screening Assessment for Gifted Elementary Students 

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