Employee Benefits

Employees Benefits

The Warren County R-III School District offers an excellent benefit package to eligible employees. The package includes medical, dental, vision, and life insurance. Rhonda Woods, the District's Personnel Coordinator, is available to answer any benefit questions you may have. Rhonda can be reached at extension 1115 between 7:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. If you are not available during these times, she would be more than happy to schedule a time to meet with you.



Warren Co R-III School District is pleased to announce the upcoming enrollment opportunity for your employee benefits!

Capstone Insurors, Inc. is providing you easy access to all your benefit needs with an on-line benefits portal. You can enjoy convenient online access to your benefits coverage 24 hours a day, seven days a week. On this site you will be able to update your personal profile, make eligible benefit elections and access a complete document library.

Important Information

Enrollment for benefits effective July 1, 2021

Medical Funding: $560.21 FT | $280.11 PT

Employer paid GAP plan provided

Employer paid Dental Low plan provided
2021-2022 Anthem Dental Rates.pdf



How to apply

Enroll online: April 26-30

Talk with a Capstone Representative: May 18-22


Option 1:A computer will be set up at your district for your convenience for you to meet with an agent ‘virtually’ to discuss your benefits and assist with your online enrollment should you prefer a virtual meeting or are unable to enroll on your own. Virtual Meeting SIGN UP SHEET


Option 2:. If you prefer to enroll on your own at home,but have questions or need assistance, you may sign up for a phone meeting. Please enter your name and phone number at the time you wish to be called, and a Capstone representative will call you. Phone Assistance SIGN UP SHEET


All enrollments (and declines) must be done online by May 18


Enrollment Checklist


  1. Schedule your meeting with a Capstone representative with your district. Please contact your district’s payroll administrator if you are unsure of how to sign up for your meeting or need additional information.


  1. Review your benefit options, rates, andplan changes by watching the video below and reviewing the links in the Important Resources & Information sections.

A screenshot of a cell phone Description automatically generated

  1. Register for your Options+ Private Exchange online enrollment account by clicking: OSBA Employee Benefits Login Page


  • First time users: Please click the “New User Registration” link found once you are on the OSBA Employee Benefits Login Page above to create a Username & Password.It is recommended that you use your school email address as your Username.Your Company Identifier is Warren Co


  • Please log in and begin your enrollment before your meeting with Capstone, if possible, as sign up spots are only for a limited amount of time. Capstone will review your benefit elections with you, discuss the changes that are happening in moving the benefits over to OSBA and ensure your coverage is moved over to OSBA appropriately.


Need help registering your account and enrolling? Click on the video below to watch…

A screenshot of a cell phone Description automatically generated


Important Resources & Information

Health InsuranceAnthem BlueCross BlueShield

Health insurance helps you cover the cost of medical expenses. A monthly premium is paid for a health plan that will pay for certain expenses if you need medical care. Even people with health insurance may have to pay some of the cost for medical treatment, and not all treatment is covered. The way the expenses are shared depends on what kind of plan you have. Your district is offering you several medical plan options so you can choose which plan best fits your individual or family needs.


2021-2022 Health Insurance Rates
Warren County R-III School District Medical Rates 2021-2022.pdf 


Helpful Videos

Find a Doctor

Online Health Visits (LiveHealth Online)

Sydney Mobile App


Helpful Flyers

Find a Doctor

Sydney App

Anthem.com account

Deductible Credit Carryover Information


Gap Insurance

Your employer is providing you with an employer paid GAP plan. This plan helps fill the gap and pay for eligible out of pocket expenses such as deductibles, co-pays, or co-insurance that your chosen medical plan may leave you with. Below is a quick glimpse of the benefits the GAP plan provides. Please see the full brochure for additional details in the online enrollment.

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Health Savings Account

Your employer offers the option of enrolling in a Health Savings Account if you choose to enroll in the Consumer Driven HSA Qualified Medical Plan Option. You can fund your HSA account with pre-tax contributions that can be used for qualified medical care, prescriptions, and dental and vision expenses. HSAs are individually owned and provide a triple-tax advantage. You can deposit money tax-free, it will grow tax-free until you use it, and your withdrawals are tax-free when used on eligible expenses.


HSA & Flexible Spending Account Eligibility


MASA Medical Transport Coverage

In 2016 alone there were over 500,000 emergency flights in the United States and the national average cost of an emergency air ambulance was $50,000. Many Americans today have a false sense that their medical coverage will pay for all costs associated with emergency or critical care transports. The reality is that the majority of Americans are only partially covered for these high costs. MASA steps in and provides coverage wherever the primary insurance provider leaves off on the cost of any emergent air and ground ambulance transport. Review the video and links below to learn more about this important benefit.



MASA Benefits


Dental Insurance

Dental Insurance can help cover some of the cost of caring for your teeth. Typically, dental insurance covers all or a portion of your cost for routine check-ups and preventative care. Your district is providing the employee low dental plan at no cost to you with the option of an additional buy up option.


2020-2021 Dental Insurance Rates

How to find a dental provider

Vision InsuranceAnthem Blue View Vision

Vision insurance can help cover some of the cost of caring for your eyes such as annual eye exams, glasses, and contact lenses. The benefit provided depends on which kind of plan you choose. Your district is offering you one or more vision plans to choose from.


2021-2022 Vision Insurance Rates

How to find a vision provider

Importance of an Eye Exam


Board Paid Basic Life

Your district provides an Employer Paid Life Insurance Plan to protect your financial security at no cost to you!The plan includes an Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) benefit which doubles your coverage amount if you die in a covered accident. If you survive a serious accident, it can pay you money for certain severe injuries, such as loss of vision, hearing and limbs. You can view your coverage amount and plan details clicking the link below.


Basic Board Paid Life Summary

Optional Term Life Insurance

What would your loved ones do without you? Term life insurance is an affordable way to leave them money when you pass away. They can use it to help pay for housing and other expenses, including your final arrangements. The plan includes an Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) benefit which doubles your coverage amount if you die in a covered accident. If you survive a serious accident, it can pay you money for certain severe injuries, such as loss of vision, hearing and limbs.


Purchase at least the base benefit of $10,000 and lock in the Guarantee Issue buy-up option (up to $200,000 for employees, $50,000 for spouses and $10,000 for children) for future re-enrollments.


If you do not sign up for the base benefit at the initial enrollment, you will have to answer medical questions should you decide to sign up at future enrollments. Take advantage of this important opportunity.


Optional Life Summary & Rates



As an employee, the health benefits available to you represent a significant component of your compensation package. They also provide important protection for you and your family in the case of illness or injury.

Your plan offers a series of health coverage options. Choosing a health coverage option is an important decision. To help you make an informed choice, your plan makes available a Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC), which summarizes important information about any health coverage option in a standard format, to help you compare across options.

The SBC is available on the web at:www.capstoneins.com/osba/school-district-employee. You will need to log in to your benefits portal to view the summaries. A paper copy is also available, free of charge, by calling 1-888-201-3249 (Capstone Insurors, Inc.).




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