Director of Transportation David Tinnin
Office Phone- 636-456-6961
Transportation Office Hours- 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
As the new school year starts at Warren County R-III Schools, the Transportation Department has made some changes to help make the year run more smoothly. These changes are made to adjust the growing needs of our community, and to provide the safest and most cost efficient transportation for our students. Safe transportation for our students is the number one priority, and all measures will be taken to assure this.
One of the newest challenges that the district is facing is the cost of fuel. In the last two years, we have seen a significant increase in fuel prices and it has greatly affected the cost to operate our bus fleet.
We are currently looking at several options to help reduce the amount of fuel for our bus fleet. Be assured that these options will not interfere with the normal transportation to and from school at this time. Hopefully, oil prices will be lower and fuel cost will return to a more consumer-friendly price in the future. This is an issue that we will continue to monitor and adjust our needs accordingly.
The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) have established guidelines for school districts to follow in order to receive state funding for transportation. The additional funding allows us to save more local tax money for bus transportation.
As our school district grows and more students use the districts buses for transportation, changes will be occurring more often than in the past. All changes will be handled as quickly as possible to insure that students have a comfortable and safe ride to and from school.