Human Resources

Come And Work For Us!

Dr. Brad Ross
Assistant Superintendent of Personnel Services
Title IX Coordinator
         Becky Toebben
        Personnel Coordinator

Thank you for expressing an interest in the Warren County R-III School District. We believe our professional staff members are responsible for our outstanding school district. We are committed to recruiting, hiring and retaining employees to provide outstanding educational opportunities for all of our students.  Each school has team members that set building goals that encompass the Warrior Way Model. Teachers are involved in a number of district committees that are responsible for decisions affecting the education of our students.


Extended Contract Application
Per the 2024-2025 negotiated agreement, staff seeking to add additional days to their contract must submit a written request to the Superintendent's Advisory Team for consideration. This form, and all related materials, are due to the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources no later than February 1st.  The SAT team will review your request and report a decision no later than April 15th.

Downloadable Application*

* please note, along with this application, you must include a copy of your job description, and a letter of recommendation from your immediate supervisor.


The Warren County R-III School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, disability, age or any other characteristic protected by law in its programs, activities or in employment.

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