Board Notes July 12 2018

Board Notes July 12 2018
Posted on 07/19/2018
This is the image for the news article titled Board Notes July 12 2018Warren County R-III School District
Board Meeting Report
July 12, 2018

CSIP Development Plan Approved:
A plan to develop a steering committee to be made up of 30 people was approved with the goal of developing a Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP). Starting in late August, a parent satisfaction survey will be sent out to parents. The survey will be the first step in the development of the CSIP with the goal of presenting the plan to the Board in January, 2019. The committee will include three members of the Board of Education, five building administrators (one from each building), the superintendent and assistant superintendent, five teachers (one from each building), five community members, and 10 parents (two from each building).

Dr. Aaron Jones was recognized by the board for his outstanding work last school year. He, along with retired Assistant Superintendent Dr. Jill Schowe, stepped in as co-interim superintendents for the year. PHOTO: Board President John Clinger, Dr. Jones, Superintendent Dr. Gregg Klinginsmith.

Staffing Update:
Several adjustments were made to the 2018-2019 staffing plan. The Board approved the addition of another Special Education Teacher, a Special Education Para, a three hour cafeteria worker at Black Hawk Middle School, the Administrative Assistant in Maintenance going full-time, an
Educational Support Counselor that will replace the Instructional Technology Coach position, and approved the FCCLA and DECA/FBLA changing from daily rates to stipend positions.

Next Meeting:
The next regular Board Meeting is set for August 9, 2018, at 7:00 p.m.
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