September 2018 Board Meeting Report

September 2018 Board Meeting Report
Posted on 09/14/2018
This is the image for the news article titled September 2018 Board Meeting ReportWarren County R-III School District
Board Meeting Report
September 13, 2018

Warrenton High School Principal Dr. Loraine Raziq and the Board of Education offered recognition to the students and sponsors of Link Crew. The student leaders of Link Crew are Yzabel Alvarez, Veronica Raygoza, Payton Holstine, Elizabeth McChristy, and Harley Fox. Sponsors are Mrs. Koper, Ms. Wargowsky. Link Crew is the mentoring program that the high school harbors for freshmen. Their goal is to provide the best peer guidance possible in school and out of school for the freshmen of Warrenton High School.
PHOTO: Board President John Clinger and the members and sponsors of Link Crew.

Policy Changes:
The following policy changes were approved by the Board of Education:
- JED - AP (2) Eliminates the loss of credit for poor attendance at the high school.
The proportional attendance at the high school for the last five years has been:
2018:  79.8%
2017:  82.1%
2016:  83.1%
2015:  84.4%
2014:  81.8%
***DESE now calculates proportional attendance by giving one point for students above 90%, .5 for students between 87.5% and 90%, and .25 for students between 85% and 87.5%.
- JED - AP (1) Cleans up the grade levels and brings our make up homework policy in-line with practice.
- GCBDA -AP (1) - Sets summer work hours for the district as Monday - Thursday 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. This change will put in writing business hours for the entire district over the summer months.
- BDA - UC - Officially changes the start of Board of Education meetings to 7:00 p.m. instead of 7:30 p.m. While the meetings have been starting at 7:00 p.m. for some time, this puts in writing policy on an official start time.
- GDBA -AP (1) and GDBA - Combine together to make one policy. This policy covers staff
compensation, salary schedules, extra duty compensation, and compensation dispersement.
- IGD AF1 -3 all outline the procedures for home school students to participate in our activities.  These are all in line with MSHSAA requirements. 
The Warren County R-III School District MSBA Online Policy Page can be found here.

Custodial Vacancies:
It was recommended that the district attempt to fill the three open custodial positions with part-time help for one month. If after that time the positions are not filled, it was recommended that the district retain the services of the lowest bidder on the request to fill the positions - ABBCO.

School Resource Officers:
An updated three year contract was agreed to with the City of Warrenton with regard to School Resource Officers (SRO’s). Per the Memorandum of Understanding, the mission of the SRO Program is the reduction and prevention of school-related violence and crime committed by
juveniles and young adults.

In order to clarify and streamline the process of publicizing information to families in the district, a contract to utilize the services of Peachjar was approved. Peachjar is a service that allows the Warren County R-III School District to collaboratively work with businesses wanting to publicize information to our families. A link will appear on the district website and parents will have the ability to set up email notifications.

Facility Upgrades:
After considerable discussion, the board approved a motion to have work done to upgrade the softball field at the high school, allowing the softball team to have a properly maintained and equipped field to call it’s own. The board also voted to upgrade the entryway to the high school athletic complex. The work on the softball field will exhaust the Bond Issue funds with projects completed as promised. Costs for work on the softball field not covered by the Bond Issue will be covered via the Fund 4/Capital Projects Fund. Work on the entry to the athletic field complex will also be covered by Fund 4.

Missouri Model Districts - Behavior (MMD-B):
The Warren County R-III School District has been selected by DESE to participate in the pilot
Missouri Model District - Behavior (MMD-B) grant.  The district will receive funds from DESE to work on improving student behaviors.  There will be a district team and then school teams
working collaboratively with the team from DESE to align our current practices.  

Next Meeting:
The next regular Board Meeting is set for October 11, 2018, at 7:00 p.m.
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